Take the Time to Dream and Plan
You’re eager, you are creative, and more importantly, you’re ready! You’ve got your dreams, you can see them quite clearly in your mind. It’s time to do something great… but, where do you start? It isn’t your looks or talent that is going to get you through life, it’s your passion, your perseverance, your resolution.
It’s the commitment you have to your passion that won’t let you give up. So how do you do it? You need to dream, plan and do. Here’s how.
Prioritize Goals
It’s time to hop off the hamster wheel that you’ve been running circles on and start to plan your dreams. If you have one dream, then you probably have another. You can’t always pursue two of them at once, especially if they’re both big ones.
So, which goal do you want to pursue the most? Do you want to change your career and follow a passion or do you want to travel the world? Think about what’s best for you at this instant, and determine which dream you want to accomplish first.
Write it Out
You can’t know where to start until you prioritize. So, write your goals out and then what steps you need to take in order to achieve them. You can map out your entire lifetime in goals of three months, a year, and beyond.
Obviously, you don’t have to start with your lifetime goals right now, but you can add to your list later. The point is, writing it all out will help you set your goals and focus on them.
If you decide to leave your current career and become, say, a lawyer, well, it’s not going to happen overnight. There are steps you have to follow to get there. So, consider what goals you have to work on immediately and what goals are more long-term.
Obviously, you would have to pass the bar exam, but if you haven’t even started law school yet, the bar is a long-term goal. So, you would have to focus on shorter-term goals such as being accepted into law school, tackling your studies, etc.
Whatever your dream happens to be – research! If you plan to go traveling, do some research first. If you want to follow a new career, research it. If you want to be a better cook, become a writer or learn a new language – do the research! Look at the possibilities and see how other people have achieved the same goal. Talk to other people who have also tackled your dream and accomplished it. You need to inform yourself of your journey and know what steps you need to take in order to succeed.
Just Say Yes
When you are faced with a new opportunity – say yes! Whether it’s traveling, networking or even volunteering. While it’s important to learn when to say no, it’s equally as important to understand when a yes forces you out of your comfort zone. The key to success is constantly pushing yourself beyond the bounds of comfort.
You might know exactly what goals you have professionally, but that doesn’t mean you will also be happy and healthy. The key to long-term happiness isn’t in power or money, it’s in fulfilling relationships.
You have to prioritize your self-care in order to be the kind of person who has those types of relationships, whether they’re romantic or not. You have to strive for your goals, but you also have to remember to be prepared to adapt.
It’s time to stop what you’re doing, dream big, and plan your attack. Your dreams can change, and that’s okay. You’ll never know what’s right for you unless you try.
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